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Meeting, meeting, metting.

So it’s been a long time ago since wrote in this blog. So from Monday to Wednesday we have had four meetings. Monday we had a meeting with Finn Engström, we talked about how to better work in a group together. Not criticizes people based on no facts. Tell them what you think they are doing what you do not like. We should discuss in the group about how the dynamic is and what should change to make it better.

Tuesday we had our second meeting with Elias Lundgren he is our programming help. None of us needed any help, yet. So the meeting was short.

Wednesday we first had a meeting with Adam Mayes. We talked in more detail what we needed to focus on in the Design document. We also talked a little bit what our game was about. He seems to like it. After that we had a meeting with Felicia, she talked if there is something in the course or the project we needed.  We talked about programs we missed for our computers.

Later we worked until 20:00 am, I am starting to get the hang on it, tomorrow we I am going to get the NPC done.



A day with me

Today I started programing a moving square using W,S,A,D keys, and I made I circle follow my mouse movements in the screen, That could be used as the sight when you shoot in the top view game we are making. I also looked up how to use texture and adding sprites, It is really easy to do. It is not that much to type, to get anything to work in SFML, which is nice for me who have a hard time programming. It feels like SFML wants me to know what to do with easy tutorials and it explain what different things do and I what I need use. I actually understand what things do which is nice. I just have keep reading about it and keep following tutorials and I will learn it.

We also met up with our Scrum master. The whole group was there, which show that we care about the project. I got to hear what our Scrum master thought about our scrum and what we need to do to make it more effective. He showed us in detail what how the sprint planning worked. So we everyone in the group chose tasks to do and how long we thought it would take. I think we are on the right track to making great progress.

Not much more to report we see what awaits tomorrow.


Anton L-A

A day of things happing

Today we learned how to set up SFML. I had problems getting it to work at first, but SFML looked easier to use then SDL. I looked into some tutorials that seems suitable for me. Tomorrow I will continue experiment with SFML.

 Later I and the group was metting up, to discuss the scrum with our scrum master, unfortunately he couldn’t come. So we kept working on the scrum and setting up a meeting tomorrow instead with him.


Now, what do I think about the scrum. The scum is a really good way to structure up a work.  Everyone in the team know what needs to be done, we know what is things have priorities over other things, we know what is done and what we have left, in an easy document that everyone have access to  and can change in.

I liked to know more about how this work, we will see how it goes tomorrow.

Long time ago!

It’s been a long time since last time I posted. Today we fixed the screen getting a picture, and now I am looking att fixing collision between diffrent tiles in the game.

Think I am geting it. We will see tomorrow when I talk to Robin.



Having problems

Trying to put in a Statemanager in the engine but it will not work have read more about , or else I am going be stuck. -_-

Plan for our project

Me and Robin are making  a game in c++. I am now trying get it to work, we have split on the things that need to get done with the project. I hope it will go well.



Game design and life

This is my blog about games, studies and life. It will be a travel through my psyche, a depressing stroy of how I am going to see things from loving everything to hate everything. It dosen’t mean everything is bad, this is just how I see things.

Still I am a nice person.